Planet Explorers Wiki

Hunting is the pursuit and killing of animals in order to obtain animal products


Hunting a Hoolock Gibbon with a handgun. The Lepus Marihare may attack

Hunting Strategy[]

Hunting can be a dangerous activity, as some animals will attack when damaged and some will attack on proximity alone. Furthermore, some animals exist in packs and will attack as a group if a single member is damaged. 

Melee Weapon Hunting[]

Hunting with melee weapons is dangerous, so be sure to carry medical supplies. It is also a good idea to invest in armor and an iron sword. If you gather a party of NPCs they will help you hunt. NPCs are very useful when you are attacking an animal that is stronger than you, or a pack, but they are not effective at pursuing animals that run. It is challenging to pursue animals that run, but jumping can allow you to gain ground on them. 

Projectile Weapon Hunting[]

This is undoubtedly the easiest form of hunting, although the most expensive. A projectile weapon allows you to deal damage to creatures that are at a distance. This allows you to hunt larger animals and get several hits on them before they can close and harm you. It also makes hunting animals that run much easier. Be warned, some animals have ranged attacks. Projectiles are not recoverable, so spend them efficiently and target larger animals.

Kiting Hunting[]

A highly efficient and safe form of hunting involves kiting animals. Establish a zone with two or more cannons in an open area. Using a melee weapon or projectile weapon, aggress an animal that will pursue you. Flee towards the cannons and allow them to kill the animal. This is most effective with large, slow animals that might otherwise be very challenging to kill. Remember that cannons can be placed on 2x2 mounds of dirt and readily moved when the area is devoid of suitable target. It is important to remember that cannons must be pointed in the correct direction to react to animals. 

Animal Products[]

Animal products include meat, animal skin, animal fat, and bones. You can also obtain fruit from some animals.

High Yield Animals[]
